Making abortions safer: The way forward
This publication presents the highlights of the workshop “Making Abortions Safer: The Way Forward,” held May 5-6, 2008 in India.
....Read MorePost training follow-up survey: Bihar and Jharkhand
As part of the Increasing Access to Safe Abortion Services project, in July 2005-May 2006 Ipas and state governments of Bihar and Jharkhand trained 80 medical doctors from rural and urban areas to ....Read More
Progress and prospects of MAPnet: A network of medication abortion providers in two districts of Maharashtra, India
Medication abortion (MA) can play a vital role in reducing unsafe abortions; however, MA services in India are being provided in an unorganized fashion and are usually limited to urban areas. Worki....Read More
Increasing access to safe abortion services in Uttarakhand
This report describes a simple methodology to screen and approve facilities as provider-training sites for comprehensive abortion care. This approach will help state governments in India adopt an....Read More
Seven Years of NRHM MP Experience
The National Health Mission (formerly known as National Rural Health Mission) on its seventh anniversary published selected successful and impactful interventions including IDF CAC model in its rep....Read More
Preventing Unsafe Abortion and its Consequences
Unsafe abortion is a significant yet preventable cause of maternal mortality and morbidity in developing countries. This report contains the papers submitted to an interdisciplinary consultation co....Read More
Medical Abortion in Bihar and Jharkhand: A study of service providers, chemists, women and women
Very little has been known about the use of medication abortion in India. This study interviews abortion service providers, pharmacists and citizens to measure knowledge and use of the method in tw....Read More