
Community Mobilization for Improved Access to SRH Services and Information Among Young Women and Men in Two Selected Tribal Blocks of Jharkhand

September 2021

Community Mobilization for Improved Access to SRH Services and Information Among Young Women and Men in Two Selected Tribal Blocks of Jharkhand

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Improving Care Seeking Behavior of Young Women for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Assam and Madhya Pradesh

October 2020

To measure the efficacy of our youth-focused community-based innovation, and to identify focus areas for mid-course corrective action, we conducted a midline assessment in October 2019. The report ....Read More

Transforming the Abortion Ecosytem in India

September 2020

Abortion was legalized in India up to 20 weeks of gestation with the passage of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971. Despite this, even today, majority of abortions in India take p....Read More

Compromised Abortion Access due to COVID-19 : A model to determine impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to abortion

May 2020

COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the ability of women to access sexual and reproductive health services across the world. To assess the near-term impact of COVID-19 specifically....Read More

Improving Care Seeking Behaviour of Young Women for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Assam and Madhya Pradesh

March 2020

A project brief presenting key highlights of our youth-focused intervention for advancing sexual and reproductive health of young women in Assam and Madhya Pradesh. The project was supported by Gra....Read More

National Consultation – Advancing Comprehensive Abortion Care in India

May 2019

National Consultation on Advancing Comprehensive Abortion Care, 2019 was organized by IDF in partnership with MoHFW, GoI, in New Delhi on 26th – 27th March, 2019. The consultation was chaired by ....Read More

Guidance Handbook on Ensuring Access to Safe Abortion and Addressing Gender Biased Sex Selection

May 2019

While abortion has been legal in India since 1971, women have to still face severe complications that can be prevented by ensuring access to safe abortion services. At the same time, declining sex ....Read More

CAC Training and Service Delivery Guidelines,2018

March 2019

The government guidelines contain standards & protocols for providing high quality abortion care. It has been updated recently in light of the global recommendations & international best pr....Read More

Review Meeting on Model CAC Centres

February 2019

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India envisioned `Model CAC Training and Service Delivery Centres’ in selected states, for demonstrating standardized quality norms for CAC ....Read More

Is self-use of medical abortion a viable option? : A systematic review of global evidence with a special focus on India

September 2018

There is limited documentation of successful interventions on the self-administration or self-use of medical abortion outside the formal health system. There is even less published documentation on....Read More