August, 2017

Mission Parivar Vikas in Madhya Pradesh

Under the aegis of Mission Parivar Vikas, and with technical assistance from IDF, the government of Madhya Pradesh launched two new contraceptives in the public sector at a state-level meeting on 29th August 2017.

The contraceptives – injectable hormone, Antara programme; and weekly oral contraceptive pills, Chhaya were launched in the august presence of Shri Rustam Singh (IPS) Honourable Health Minister-MP and Shri Sharad Jain, Honourable State Health Minister – MP.

Mission Parivar Vikas was launched by the Government of India in July 2017, and aims to accelerate access to high quality family planning choices based on information, reliable services and supplies within a rights-based framework.

  • Year : 2017