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May 2020

Compromised Abortion Access due to COVID-19 : A model to determine impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to abortion

COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the ability of women to access sexual and reproductive health services across the world. To assess the near-term impact of COVID-19 specifically on access to abortion services in India, IDF undertook a modeling exercise. The primary objective of the exercise was to estimate the extent of compromise to abortion access in the first three months since the lockdown began on March 25, 2020 – we estimate a staggering 1.85 million abortions to be compromised in this period. We believe this has placed increased responsibilities on the health system and we see this as an advocacy document to galvanize all stakeholders to undertake a recovery plan to ensure remedial options to these women – both during and post the COVID-19 recovery period.

The complete study can be downloaded from this page and the study summary can be accessed here

  • Year : 2020
  • Author(s) : Ipas Development Foundation
  • Origin : 2020
  • Language: English
  • Region : Asia
  • Country : India
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COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the ability of women to access sexual and reproductive health services across the world. To assess the near-term impact of COVID-19 specifically on access to abortion services in India, IDF undertook a modeling exercise. The primary objective of the exercise was to estimate the extent of compromise to abortion access in the first three months since the lockdown began on March 25, 2020 – we estimate a staggering 1.85 million abortions to be compromised in this period. We believe this has placed increased responsibilities on the health system and we see this as an advocacy document to galvanize all stakeholders to undertake a recovery plan to ensure remedial options to these women – both during and post the COVID-19 recovery period.